
Cliffe Woods Primary School

Dear Kirsty

I would like to extend my thanks and that of the parents and staff that attended your training on Wednesday 6th February at our school.  The feedback has been extremely positive, and I know that the staff members that attended the training now feel better equipped to support our children with sensory processing difficulties.

I would also like to say that your involvement in assessing and supporting our children with Occupational Therapy needs has ensured that the children receive the most appropriate programmes and support within the school.  This has resulted in improved outcomes as well as greater confidence from the staff delivering the programmes.

Thank you again for all your help and support.

Kind regards,

Yours sincerely

Karen Connolly
Assistant Headteacher/SENDCo


Direct OT input from a qualified and experienced therapist makes such a dramatic difference to my child’s development. We have seen this with our own eyes during times when she has been receiving Direct OT.   The amount of input available from the NHS is no way near enough and sadly we had fallen into the trap of thinking that her needs were being met by the NHS because they themselves as qualified OT s were quantifying the level of need and providing occasional group therapy. When we decided to have an independent assessment it turned out that our daughters needs required far more direct input if she was actually going to make any progress. She then did the therapeutic listening programme with Beth from Evolve, 12 weeks of listening to filtered music  twice a day with headphones to ‘reboot’ her central nervous system. The change was amazing.  She started doing physical activities that she’s never done before like climbing on a  rocking horse and other moving objects, going down long slides such as at soft play centres and bouncy castle slides. She was immediately more vocal. Now, a few weeks later she’s started brushing her own hair for the first time.

Testimonial 2

I regret the time we wasted waiting for NHS input when we could have found an independent therapist earlier but we’re so pleased we did find Evolve when we did. We also now know how much input she needs at school or otherwise to continue making progress and we will do all we can to make sure she gets that Occupational Therapy.

Testimonial 3

We love Beth! We love OT.  I can’t believe how much my child has changed in the last 12 weeks since doing therapeutic listening. Now we know where to get help to make sure she continues to make progress.